This year for Golden Week, instead of staying home and dancing all week, I took a trip to Taiwan with a couple of friends! Well, I say 'with', but actually we all had different flights/schedules and only had one day where all three of us were together, but I got to spend the whole time with at least one companion and it was great. :)
Here's how my itinerary ended up:
Day 1:

- arrival in Taipei in the evening and meeting up with my friend (who was kind enough to take me to my hostel because I am bad at directions, haha)
- dinner at Din Tai Fung (a restaurant famous for its xialong bao, which were amazing)
- clubbing (there was supposed to be an indoor waterfall but we couldn't find it, sad)
Day 2:

- hopping on a train to Tamsui, where we wandered along the wharf, bought street food, shared a coconut, and tried (and failed) to find a certain fabled beach

- stopping by the Taipei Expo Park on the way back and exploring the area around it, which was open and beautiful and included things like an indigenous people's museum
- meeting up with our friend and heading back to Din Tai Fung for round 2 (because we decided the night before we had to take her there), which was just as delicious

- going up to a fancy restaurant/bar near the top of Taipei 101, which used to be the world's tallest building. We weren't at the very top and the only place I could see a view was in the bathroom, but it was still pretty cool.
- wandering around Shilin Night Market! In retrospect I think I should have shopped and eaten more while we were there, but just exploring and seeing all the stands and people was lots of fun
Day 3:

- taking a dubious but persistent taxi driver's offer to drive us up to Jiu Fen, the place that was the inspiration for the town in Spirited Away, where we stopped at a tea house and explored the narrow streets, taking lots of pictures on the way
- going to the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, which is flanked by the National Theatre and Concert Hall, all in a huge open space, where we also happened to see the changing of the guards and see some exhibits

- a brief visit to Ximen, which was so full of Japanese restaurants and chains it was almost like we hadn't left at all
- going to a puzzle cafe! What a great idea, and such a sense of accomplishment (even though we only did two smallish ones in about an hour and a half)
Day 4:
- visiting the National Palace Museum, where we lined up for 20 minutes to see a jadeite cabbage (among other interesting and beautiful things)
- trekking out to eat beef noodles, which were great (though I think my mom could give them a run for their money)

- visiting Longshan Temple, which was full of people who all knew what they were doing (unlike us)
- making another special trip to go find a certain pineapple cake shop, where everybody who goes there gets to sample a cake and enjoy a cup of tea (before buying pricey but actually very tasty pineapple cakes)
- wandering around the area, which was full of little and interesting stores and cafes - if I lived near there I would definitely want to explore more thoroughly (though I suspect it's a rather expensive place to live)
- getting some frozen yogurt at Taipei Station before heading out again to some new night markets in search of omiyage for our coworkers
And then I got up super early to go back to Japan, with a decent amount of Taiwan dollars left over - proof that I should have bought/eaten (mostly eaten) more while I was there, but also an incentive to go back sometime! Definitely a great trip. :D